Summer fête and community fundraiser.

As part of ESEA Sisters, a collective creating space for women, non-binary, trans, and genderqueer East Asian and Southeast Asian diaspora, we collaborated with Camden Chinese Community Centre, Bloomsbury, to co-create an intergenerational celebration and fundraiser that gathered and grew the visibility of our communities.

200+ people attended

£4000+ raised for ESEA

community groups.

47 volunteers supported events.

Social Media posters by Studio Wan, Rowan Allen, Rachel Tan & Kim Chin

Introducing ESEA.unseen

ESEA unseen are Sue & Kim - two ESEA Sisters who use textile waste and the love language of food as a vehicle for connection, celebration and liberation.

‘Have you eaten?’ was the taster event to future workshops with a collective output.


Seat at the Table - Museum of the Home


REGENTS ROOTS - Stanhope Story Street